Bootstrapping OSX
To make (re)-initialising a mac easier I’ve scripted a setup bashed on homebrew.
It supports
- both zsh and bash, defaulting to zsh
- sets up on-my-zsh
- installs some useful shell tools: tmux, neovim, alacritty
- installs more useful alternatives to: ls, cat, find, grep, etc.
- installs a set of productivity tools useful for developers: asdf, git, jq, etc.
- installs a suite of common GUI applications: dropbox, chrome, slack, visual-studio-code, etc.
- installs a set of programming languages using asdf: java, go, node, python, etc.
- installs some vscode extensions: ms-vscode-remote, etc.
- creates a default configuration for alacritty if it doesnt exist.
- finally, it dry runs topgrade to provide an indication whether your system is uptodate or not.
Have a look at the script contents here.